Just wanted to point this out:
Though it doesn't fit the size criteria.
Also: Debian+kxstudio repos works perfectly here. You can start with a mini.iso and add up. Of course, it won't be perfect. Nothing ever is.
I do agree, however, with your thoughts on lightweightness. It'd be nice to have an audio distro whose goals include being as light as possible.
But I highly doubt it'd fit in a 30MB iso. Maybe sub-300MB? It could include jackd, qtractor and some plugins. But that would mean duplicating the effort of avlinux and kxstudio. Perhaps one could use one such distro as a base, and build a light iso for older computers?
Does anything alike exist?
Does anybody else feel the necessity?
It can't bother, certainly.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Thu Sep 4 20:15:04 2014
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