Hello dear all.
Some time ago, maybe years because I think it was Ardour2 at that time,
somebody asked if anyone knew a non-manual-tidious way to have all the
playlists of one track in Ardour converted to individual tracks. This was
to be able to Solo/Mute each take to filter the best ones instead of
constantly changing playlists.
Well, I would like to refresh that question (for Ardour2 and Ardour3 now)
and ask more or less the same again but for individual segments in a track
that were recorded on a tracking session. The reason why this segments are
all in the same track is that they were recorded by the same person who was
playing and at that moment it was quicker to do like that instead of having
to deal with playlists in every recording track or several new tracks one
for each take and source recorded.
I guess there are many DIY musicians that have experienced this and maybe
come to a solution, or maybe there's some functionality in Ardour I'm not
aware of.
Thanks in advance as always.
-- C. sanchiavedraZ: * NEW / NUEVO: www.sanchiavedraZ.com * Musix GNU+Linux: www.musix.es
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Received on Mon Sep 15 20:15:08 2014
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