Le 26/09/2014 23:42, Jonathan E Brickman a écrit :
> Last Sunday I set up my laptop for a 3.5-hour recording session,
> Audacity crashed after 2.5 hours. Anyone know why this might have
> occurred, what to do about it, whether Audacity is in fact best for
> simple recording?
> Jonathan E. Brickman
> Ponderworthy Music | jeb@email-addr-hidden | (785)233-9977 |
> http://ponderworthy.com
If you are recording stereo only, timemachine (gtk, jack) or qjackrcd
(qt, jack) might be an option since they write a single wave on disk
on the fly and are simple. Maybe you can try ecasound for multitrack.
But i confess i didn't try them for 3.5 hours actually.
- Ben
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sat Sep 27 04:15:03 2014
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