Apologies for x-posting:
The SEAMUS 2015 conference will be held at Virginia Tech during March
26-28, 2015. The conference theme is "Emotion and Electroacoustic Music."
The submission deadline is October 31, 2014. Please see http://
<http://seamus.music.vt.edu/main/>/main/ <http://seamus.music.vt.edu/main/>
for further details on the conference, and http://
<http://www.seamusonline.org/> for further information about SEAMUS.
Any questions regarding the conference may be directed to seamus@
<seamus@email-addr-hiddenmusic.vt.edu <seamus@email-addr-hidden>.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Oct 21 16:15:05 2014
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