Re: [LAU] Korg microStation editor and Wine

From: andrew clarke <mail@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Dec 14 2014 - 04:56:10 EET

On Sat 2014-12-13 17:33:32 UTC-0500, jonetsu@email-addr-hidden (jonetsu@email-addr-hidden) wrote:

> I am trying the KORG microStation editor (Windows app with Wine on
> Linux Mint 17) and it has a connection with the synth and can change
> some params, so that looks not too bad. I have a question regarding
> those kinds of apps: it comes in one fix screen size. Is it possible
> somehow with Wine to have it full screen or larger at least ?

With winecfg it's possible to adjust the screen DPI higher than the
default 96. That can often make Windows apps use larger fonts and
bigger windows, but it really depends on the app. Some apps misbehave
by keeping their old window size and then the bigger text gets
clipped. This problem also exists in native Windows.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sun Dec 14 08:15:04 2014

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