On Thu, 1 Jan 2015, jonetsu@email-addr-hidden wrote:
> Is it possible at all to use any regular MIDI external keyboard to
> input notes into the Muse sequencer ? I have a fluidsynth flute sound
> loaded in Muse and it can play by dragging the mouse across the gui
> keyboard. I have qjackctl and also launched a2j, but there's no Muse
> in sight to make a connection between a M-Audio keyboard and something
> in Muse. Is Muse a sequencer that only works using a software pen to
> draw notes ?
Of course! (I wouldn't even use Muse if it couldn't work with physical
Midi hardware...)
Have you checked the Jack midi page in QJackCtl's connection manager?
Are your physical Midi interface's ports showing up? QJackCtl presents
Jack Midi on a different tab from Alsa Midi. Some programs show up on
both, others on one or the other.
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Received on Fri Jan 2 00:15:02 2015
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