On Thu, 1 Jan 2015 16:25:45 -0500
"jonetsu@email-addr-hidden" <jonetsu@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Is it possible at all to use any regular MIDI external keyboard to
> input notes into the Muse sequencer ? I have a fluidsynth flute sound
> loaded in Muse and it can play by dragging the mouse across the gui
> keyboard. I have qjackctl and also launched a2j, but there's no Muse
> in sight to make a connection between a M-Audio keyboard and something
> in Muse. Is Muse a sequencer that only works using a software pen to
> draw notes ?
The problem is in making the Muse internal connection between the
M-Audio keyboard the the Fluidsynth Muse player. I now can the M-Audio
keyboard in Muse and the Fluidsynth with the flute sound, but there's
no connection between them.
I also saw that there's quite a few hardware synths listed in Muse, so I
guess there IS HW MIDI synth support ! :-)
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Received on Fri Jan 2 00:15:03 2015
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