Re: [LAU] OpenMusic 6.9 - new build for Ubuntu (.deb) and Fedora (.rpm)

From: <anders.vinjar@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Feb 05 2015 - 12:10:14 EET

    D> This is not really a bug report. Cannot get that far.

    D> sudo dpkg -i Downloads/openmusic-6.9.14-4_i386.deb

What OS and version are you on?

I checked the .deb on a virtual Ubuntu, by double-clicking
openmusic-6.9.14-4_i386.deb (whereby i beleive ubuntu fired up
'software-installer' with the package-name?), and it installed without
any notices.

Typing 'dpkg -i ...' i get the same as you, and following the suggested
'apt-get -f install' does the job.

    D> So let's try to install dependencies. Note that Debian support
    D> multiarch so the libsndfile1 I need would be called
    D> libsndfile1:i386

Right, but this is only if you do the deps manually, no?

    D> Note that the multiarch business is a work in progress so that
    D> portmidi0:i386 installation knocks out the 64-bit libportmidi0...

Thats really stupid. You'd better address this issue to the folks
maintaining these packages.


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Received on Thu Feb 5 12:15:03 2015

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