Jekyll is awsome! :)
It's written in ruby and it dynamically outputts a rendered static html
site, and it doesn't require a database software.
It is supposed to be easy to write plugins for it, but i don't about that
so much. I'm sort of dreaminf of a plugin that would take a directory with
ogg's and outpus a page for eachfile including anindex of all, using the ID
tags for cover art, comments and lyrics for text content etcetera... but i
guess i have to learn that language first, or hope for some of you guys to
come up with it :D
I had a chat with Zirafa from puushtape, and i think there is some plan of
doing something similar. How i don't know. But i really like pushtape. If i
had to use PHP and databses again i would go for that.
Hope that helps!
Here are some example of what i've done with jekyll for music related
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