Il giorno Wed, 25 Mar 2015 09:02:47 -0400
Dave Phillips <dlphillips@email-addr-hidden> ha scritto:
> Greetings,
> Is anyone here successfully running a parallel installation of Qt4 and
> Qt5 ? I want to install the latest SuperCollider3 which now requires
> Qt5. I'm on Fedora 19 with Planet CCRMA extensions, it's been happy with
> Qt4, but now I need to consider installing Qt5. The question: Can I go
> ahead and install Qt5 in parallel with the existing Qt4 ? If there are
> known problems with Linux audio software perhaps someone is already
> aware of them and can warn me before I take action.
> I'm particularly wary of this kind of thing. I recently hosed an entire
> system during a routine installation of components from the F19 repos -
> yes, in certain circumstances Fedora will quietly let you destroy your
> system without warning - and I'd like to avoid a repeat of that scenario.
> Best,
> dp
i am not sure if it applies for Fedora, but here in Gentoo/Sabayon land i have Qt 4&5 coexisting harmoniously. hope that helps.
peace, w
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Wed Mar 25 16:15:02 2015
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