Re: [LAU] Behringer and Linux

From: David Santamauro <david.santamauro@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Mar 30 2015 - 12:11:16 EEST

On 03/30/2015 01:42 AM, Len Ovens wrote:
> On Sun, 29 Mar 2015, Jostein Chr. Andersen wrote:
> Beware, this message is kind of scrambled as I started it after reading
> the x18 manual and have edited it as I found new sources of info which I
> have tried to note.
> While I am quite happy just now with the D66 as an AI, I am well aware
> that it's days are numbered. The computer I am using it on is less than
> a year old and has a PCI slot. But either it or the D66 may get faulty
> and I will be looking at something new. I was thinking that something
> like the allen & heath QU series mixers would make a good AI and now the
> X32 looks to add to the mix. Either one would give me a lot more I/O
> than 6 plus a control surface better than the MCP for about the same
> price as an 8i/o AI plus ADAT to expand to 16i/o plus an MCP controller
> (looking at the 16input models on both).

So do these mixers give 16, 18 and 32 discreet input channels over USB
(recognized by ALSA) or are only their AUX/MAIN outputs sent over USB
to the computer?

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Received on Mon Mar 30 12:15:04 2015

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