Re: [LAU] Behringer and Linux

From: Fons Adriaensen <fons@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Mar 31 2015 - 00:22:04 EEST

On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 02:07:15PM -0700, Len Ovens wrote:

> I was looking at the X(R)18. Which acording to Sweetwater has 16 i/o
> but on the Behringer site says 18/18. I would hope the manufacture
> is the right one. Actually, the sweetwater site says 16 USB channels
> in one place and 18 io half a page away... so I can see both numbers
> at the same time. :P

just a quick remark on USB and Behringer. At my new workplace our
boss, in a fit of enlightment and for reasons only known to himself,
decided to buy a cheap Behringer mixer with a USB interface. Nobody
here needs it and it remained in its box for months.

Some week ago I had some spare time and decided to have a look at
it. Connected the USB to my Linux workstation and connected some
headphones to the mixer. Result: with all faders down and just
the HP volume turned up there was a high level 50/100 Hz in the
headphones. Removing the USB connection was enough to stop it.

I put the thing back in its carton box, and the box back into
the corner of the lab where I found it.


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Received on Tue Mar 31 04:15:03 2015

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