On Thu, 2 Apr 2015 21:14:40 -0400
"jonetsu@email-addr-hidden" <jonetsu@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> I have compiled the Calf plugins from git, minutes ago. I use the
> 5-band equalizer and reverb w/o problems, using Ardour 3.5.403. I add
> the envelope filter to a track and immediately press play. Ardour
> vanishes instantly from the screen. Is this still a fftw bug ?
Is there any solution to this ? Such wonderful plugins but, such an
hesitation in exploring them because it makes Ardour crash. That it
crashes could maybe be OK is no data is lost, but there's a 'fear'
that it may mess up a session altogether, and one in which much time
was invested.
If fftw is the root cause, maybe getting the latest from their
repository could provide some solution ?
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Received on Mon Apr 6 16:15:01 2015
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