On Mon, 6 Apr 2015 08:01:29 -0400
Paul Davis <paul@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> (1) fftw have not fixed their bug
> (2) i believe that CALF has its own workaround for the bug now
I'm using CALF plugins from git, from a few days ago.
> (3) http://ardour.org/debugging_ardour
I used Option # 2 and started Ardour3 from the command line. I
loaded the CALF Envelope Filter which systematically makes Ardour crash
when the play button is pressed. There were recorded tracks. Note
that jackd was started as usual, through qjackctl, w/o any special
When Ardour vanished from the desktop the following was shown:
(ardour-3.5.403:3096): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: Attempt to add
after class was initialised ardour-3.5.403:
../libs/ardour/process_thread.cc :102 : static ARDOUR::BufferSet&
bool): l'assertion « sb->available() >= count » a échoué.
Abandon (core dumped)
I then loaded the core file in gdb and executed the 'thread apply all
bt' command. It yielded the attached file,
ardour3.5.403-CALF-EnvFilter-gdb-bt, now compressed.
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