Hi Kevin,
[Kevin Cosgrove]
>The earlier example I gave was related to music. But, I'm
>interested in additional audio fields, e.g. the problems
>associated with voice intelligibility in reverberant settings
>with multiple signal and multiple noise sources. I'm reading
>through journal articles on that these days. I'd like to have
>a tool (suite?) that would let me explore for myself.
The nice thing about python is you can freely use pretty much all the
libraries (numpy and scipy being the first to come to my mind for the
multitude of possible tasks involved in analysis of sample streams)
without running into major problems. Translating matlab into python
is usually doable, though last time I did that I found one or two
slightly esoteric matlab DSP-addon functions lacked a straight python
equivalent. (Being interested more in the synthesis side of things, I
rarely need more than a DFT and some plotting functionality myself.)
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Received on Sat Apr 11 00:15:01 2015
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