Wow, that sounds like my dream job, and I'm not a million miles away from
having the right experience (just a lack of any experience in the musical
programming languages mentioned).
It's a shame that I have a wife, dogs and home in the UK; I think the
commute would be a bit of a deal-breaker!
I'll pass it on to my US colleagues. They might know of someone interested.
On 10 Apr 2015 7:48 pm, "Fernando Lopez-Lezcano" <nando@email-addr-hidden>
> Hi all,
> Ever dream of maintaining GNU/Linux servers and providing support for a
> closely knit community of users interested in everything related to
> sound, music and DSP? Designing high performance GNU/Linux-based
> workstations that are completely silent? Packaging your favorite free
> software so that users worldwide can easily download and install it?
> Designing, maintaining, managing and deploying complex multichannel
> studio and concert diffusion systems? Working with a community of
> interdisciplinary students, researchers and faculty from all over the
> world? Doing some music and research on the side? (and more, of course).
> And all that at CCRMA, the Center for Computer Research in Music and
> Acoustics in the middle of Silicon Valley?
> And working with Nando?[*] (well, nothing's perfect :-)
> Details are here:
> Just in case you don't know, the Stanford Center for Computer Research
> in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) is a multi-disciplinary facility where
> composers and researchers work together using computer-based technology
> both as an artistic medium and as a research tool.
> Waiting for applications...
> -- Fernando
> [*]
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