On Fri, 17 Apr 2015 17:27:57 +0200, Gene Heskett <gheskett@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Is there a manpage on this desktop autostart? It sounds as if it could
> alleviate some of the stuff I have to do manually after a reboot, stuff
> that does need x when it starts.
It depends to the WM/DE. As already mentioned before, some DEs, e.g. Xfce4
provide a GUI.
Unfortunately in German, but commands are "in Linux":
JWM provides an option for it's config:
spinymouse11.2@email-addr-hidden-2:/media/archlinux/home/rocketmouse> grep
StartupCommand .jwmrc
<StartupCommand>feh --bg-scale
You can comment out using the "!":
spinymouse11.2@email-addr-hidden-2:/media/archlinux/home/rocketmouse> grep
StartupCommand .jwmrc-jwmpanel
<!-- <StartupCommand>/usr/lib/lxpolkit/lxpolkit</StartupCommand> -->
<StartupCommand>feh --bg-scale
<!-- StartupCommand>xfce4-power-manager</StartupCommand -->
Openbox does also provide an autostart option by it's configuration:
spinymouse11.2@email-addr-hidden-2:/media/archlinux/home/rocketmouse> cat
feh --bg-scale
(sleep 1 && fbpanel) &
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Received on Sat Apr 18 00:15:02 2015
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