Am 17.06.2015 um 19:07 schrieb Robin Gareus:
> On 06/17/2015 06:46 PM, Christopher Arndt wrote:
>> Can you elaborate on the Kurzweil presets mentioned on the homepage? Are
>> this control setups or Kurzweil KB3 patches meant to be routed through
>> the setbfree Leslie emulation?
> The former. There are two parts to it: KB3X42_1.K25 is a preset to load
> into the keyboard and K2500.cfg has corresponding Midi-CC mapping for
> setBfree to control the drawbars for both manuals and the pedals.
Here's a setup for the Kurzweil PC3/PC3K, you can use to route a
Kurzweil KB3 organ sound through the x42-whirl Leslie emulation, as well
as a Carla preset x42-whirl and Calf Reverb plug-ins set up and routed
The .PC3K file contains a program ("Dry Organ") with a KB3 organ and an
FX chain, where the internal Leslie simulation effect was removed so the
organ just has uses the internal vibrato and cab sim effect. The program
is meant to be used through a setup ("B3 ext. Leslie"), which sets up
the sustain controller to have the right value range to act as a Leslie
slow/fast switch for x42-whirl.
The Carla presets sets up CC# 64 as the MIDI controller for the Leslie
speed control and a Calf reverb instance as a send effect. You may need
to connect you MIDI input to the x42-whirl event input in the Carla
patchbay after loading the preset. Then just connect the main outs of
the PC3(K) to your soundcard's input.
Share & Enjoy, Chris
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