On 06/30/2015 07:13 PM, jonetsu@email-addr-hidden wrote:
> On Thu, 25 Jun 2015 18:00:04 -0400
> Dave Phillips <dlphillips@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> Four instances of the Angelina synthesizer, a Windows VST plugin. I
>> use it Bitwig via the Airwave utility. Two instances use the same
>> preset, the other two run two other presets.
> Sorry for the rather basic question. I have downloaded the Angelina
> synth. How can it be used ? System is Linux Mint x86_64. Running
> Ardour 3.0, wine installed (using it for the Korg microstation
> editor). Also have Renoise, if it matters. - thanks.
> Cheers.
I use it in Bitwig with the Airwave utility :
Other solutions include Festige :
and Carla :
You can also try a version of Ardour built with support for Windows
VSTs, but you'll have to build it or use the 32-bit version from AVLinux
(maybe other distros ?). Or you can run Reaper under Wine and use it for
its VST support.
Btw, the system here is Fedora 19 x86_64, with help from Planet CCRMA. :)
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Received on Wed Jul 1 04:15:01 2015
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