On Sun, 05 Jul 2015 12:05:58 +0200, Felix Homann <linuxaudio@email-addr-hidden>
> @ Patrick
> 2015-07-05 11:37 GMT+02:00 Patrick Shirkey <pshirkey@email-addr-hidden>:
>>>> It seems to me that all y'all Germans are not feeling
>>>> the cuts like the rest of Europe. [...]
> I think there's no need to pull in international politics to explain
> the lack of interest in your offer. Consider that your offer just
> doesn't sound that tempting. There are at least two aspects that make
> it seem questionable:
> 1. "must [...] enjoy driving on the autobahn."
> Nobody in his right mind enjoys driving on the autobahn. Absolutely
> nobody!
> 2. "Own vehicle is also useful."
> If employer expects you to drive regularly on the Autobahn, German
> employees expect to get a company car.
> It's as simple as this: If you're not offering a company car there's
> something dubious about the offer and you can expect salary to be
> subpar in general.
> @Ralf Mardorf
> There's no need to be aggressive towards Patrick. I'm deeply annoyed
> by your comments.
> Regads,
> Felix
But anyway you repeat what I and btw. Fons actually already have written?
In addition I also linked to the Jobbörse, English version, were serious
employers can search for employees. Since it will be an international
employment agreement, what ever the correct term for it might be, The
Federal Employment Agency or a similar department has to be involved.
Patrick is not from the EU. OTOH "the Greeks, Spanish and Italians"
mentioned by him are from the EU and without any issue they can take his
job offer and work in Germany, but seemingly they also don't want to do
this job. Nothing in my mails actually is aggressive, you are just
misinterpreting it. Patrick's job offer is strange and doesn't belong to a
Linux mailing list and perhaps doesn't also belong to the German, resp.
European market. IMO being prejudiced against Germans is aggressive. A lot
of people here need a job and really get their money from bottle deposit.
In e.g. parts of North Rhine-Westphalia unemployment rate is as bad as in
south and east Europe. Btw. I know how customer acquisition and
introducing new products for audio and video gear is done by companies for
the German market, it's not done by keeping things secret as Patrick does.
On Sun, 05 Jul 2015 12:39:34 +0200, jonetsu@email-addr-hidden
<jonetsu@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On Sun, 5 Jul 2015 12:05:58 +0200
> Felix Homann <linuxaudio@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> Nobody in his right mind enjoys driving on the autobahn. Absolutely
>> nobody!
> Foreigners ? :)
Joking apart, foreigners often do not know how to behave on an Autobahn,
it e.g. is a myth that you are allowed to drive as fast as you want. It's
monotonous, but you need to be highly focused, this is not fun, even not
with a very luxurious company car.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
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