On Jul 8, 2015 5:58 PM, "Patrick Shirkey" <pshirkey@email-addr-hidden>
> On Wed, July 8, 2015 10:53 pm, Kaza Kore wrote:
> >
> >
> >> Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2015 23:39:56 +1000
> >> From: pshirkey@email-addr-hidden
> >> To: linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden
> >> Subject: Re: [LAU] Job - Germany - Multimedia Hardware Technician
> >>
> >>
> >> On Mon, July 6, 2015 8:42 pm, Felix Homann wrote:
> >> > 2015-07-06 12:02 GMT+02:00 Patrick Shirkey
> >> <pshirkey@email-addr-hidden>:
> >> >>
> >> >> It seems like you are implying that German members of LAU don't want
> >> to
> >> >> go
> >> >> to the effort of sending a private email to find out more
> >> information.
> >> >> They want it all to be presented in entirety on a public list.
> >> >
> >> > I just take notice of the fact that - as you reported - German
> >> > of LAU quite obviously don't want to go
> >> > to the effort of sending a private email to find out more
> >> >
> >> > I'm offering you some insight into German employee thinking to
> >> > identify flaws in your offer that might help you understand why.
> >> > You don't seem to be interested in this information, though, and
> >> > rather choose to be a bit huffy ;-)
> >> >
> >> > Maybe it's a matter of alleged German efficiency to not react on
> >> > obscure job offers unless you desperately need a job ;-)
> >> >
> >>
> >> Apparently it's something to do with one or all of these three main
> >> reasons.
> >>
> >> 1: Some Germans on this list aren't interested in new jobs for
> >> themselves
> >> or their friends
> >> 2: The information is not efficient enough for some people
> >> 3: Some members don't like my personality so don't want to take it any
> >> further
> >>
> >
> > Personally I don't think personality or any possible personal grudges
> > against you has anything to do with it! Stop with that paranoia now.
> >
> > But if I was German, or even living in and willing to move to Germany,
> > in the market for a new job I very much doubt I would have responded to
> > your email. It is far too vague and sounds like at best it will be a
> > role and at worst a dubious vapour opportunity.
> >
> > Over the years I have done much work through agencies, applied for
quite a
> > lot more roles than I've taken and been emailed a lot more that I've not
> > been interested in at the time. Generally you would expect full
> > information minus the name of the company in question, or anything that
> > could lead directly to it within a few minutes on the internet. Your
> > had near zero real information in it!! Therefore, personally anyway, I
> > wouldn't consider it worth looking at further unless I was in real dire
> > straights at the time. Do you only want to appeal to really desperate,
> > possibly quite umemployble (for whatever reason) people? Or do you want
> > the advert to appeal to the people who might actually be good at the
> > I know which I would try and attract!
> >
> I am mostly interested in giving an opportunity to someone who is a member
> of the Linux Audio community. There are several good reasons for that but
> probably the most important is that if there is a desperate Linux Audio
> Peep out there then, IMO this is a good job which doesn't come up for
> grabs very often and if that person wanted it and was the right person for
> the role it would be a good thing for both them, me and by extension the
> Linux Audio Community.
> Now, if you or anyone else thinks that giving people round here some
> stable long term employment opportunity which make direct use of their
> core skills as Linux Audio experts when the global economy is turning to
> custard is a "bad thing" (tm) then I will just have to disagree with y'all
> on that point.
> All this noise can be fun for a good conversation and is somewhat helpful
> for ascertaining the layout of the German employment market but the only
> thing that really counts is that if someone is interested in finding out
> more they should have contacted me by now.
It is of course very nice of you to offer a job first of all to the
community, but it seems as if you consider it to be a favor.
And that, I think, is the problem. The Germans don't usually consider the
employer to do them a favor. It's mutual interests that lead an potential
employee to the employer.
Also the German law generally protects the employee more from the employer
than vice versa.
So if you really would be interested in a professional, serious and
devoted employee, you should have listened to the people that keenly
offered advice and given more information about your offer.
You seem to blame us (yes I'm in Germany too) for not begging for a job,
but if no one answered you, it can be because of several reasons,
either everyone here is currently employed, or that your offer looks
dubious to us.
I wish you best of luck.
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