> Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2015 01:23:15 -0400
> From: unicorn+lau@email-addr-hidden
> To: linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden
> Subject: Re: [LAU] OT: Bash help to check new USB keys.
> On Wed, Jul 08, 2015 at 04:54:52PM +0000, Kaza Kore wrote:
> > I did ask this on the Ubuntu forum roughly a week ago but have had
> > zero helpful replies off the "community" there so I hope you don't
> > mind the off-topic (as far as audio goes) subject here.
> >
> > I have recently bought some large USB keys to use as backup storage to
> > replace my old moving disk external hard drive. Due to the worry of
> > the reports of fakes reporting to be large drives, even when plugged
> > into the system, I wanted to test these before using them for real.
> > Seems best way to do this is fill the drive up and check data for
> > integrity.
> Someone else has already done the work for you. Check out F3 at
> <http://oss.digirati.com.br/f3/>. The f3write and f3read programs will
> do a thorough check that will take hours to complete. If you build the
> experimental parts, you will also have an f3probe program that will do
> a much faster test based on the author's knowledge of how fake flash
> drives work. It will not only tell you the true size of the drive,
> but will also tell you a command to run (using the included f3fix
> program) to "fix" the drive, which doesn't actually fix it, but instead
> creates a single partition that ends at the last good sector. Since it
> tells you what that last good sector is, you can also repartition the
> drive however you want, as long as all partitions end before that sector.
> Chuck
> --
Sounds perfect. I'll have a read on that today. Thanks, Dale.
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Received on Thu Jul 9 16:15:02 2015
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