On Mon, 13 Jul 2015 08:33:30 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
>If there is anything someone who works on linux/foss code should
>learn, its that this is NOT winderz, and we DO value our privacy.
"Phone home" not necessarily is dangerous spying. Ardour seemingly
doesn't spy. However, an activist sometimes need to be aware when
there's Internet activity, even by a weather applet, ntp or Ardour.
IMO a real serious issue are Apport https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport and
Whoopsi https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ErrorTracker and the Lenses
http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/ubuntu-spyware.en.html ,
https://stallman.org/amazon.html . Also consider that e.g. Firefox
shares data with Google, if you block reported attack sites and similar.
Several apps such as Sylpheed by default check for updates.
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Received on Mon Jul 13 20:15:02 2015
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