$ cat .config/guitarix/ui_rc
"system.mainwin_x": -342,
"system.mainwin_y": 65,
"system.mainwin_height": 563,
"system.mainwin_rack_height": 563,
"system.preset_window_height": 273,
"system.mul_buffer": 1,
"ui.skin_name": "no",
"ui.latency_nowarn": 0,
"system.order_rack_h": 1,
"system.show_value": 1,
"system.show_tooltips": 1,
"system.animations": 0,
"system.show_presets": 0,
"system.show_toolbar": 1,
"system.show_rack": 1
With skin_name "no" I could make the font size of the menu readable,
but some fonts are still much to small. Were can this be edited?
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