Hi there!
This is a somewhat special question which has not so much to do with
linux-audio stuff - but as there are quite a few people here dealing
with electrics / electronics and some of them even earn their money as
event technicians you might get in touch with special measurement
equipment like a VDE 0701/0702-tester.
As you might know, most manufacturers of those devices offer software
to ease the administration of your testing pool, but most of them still
life in the 90s and make them windows only.
So here I am, asking you if you are using or knowing a VDE 0701/0702
-testing device manufacturer that is modern enough to master the (not
so secret) secrets of cross-platform software engineering or opened
their devices and protocols in that way, that I can easily access them
with linux / open source tools.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Oct 5 16:15:02 2015
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