Re: [LAU] Plugin for bass to resemble the Big Muff Pi Bass pedal?

From: Bent Bisballe Nyeng <deva@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Dec 21 2015 - 09:14:26 EET

On 12/20/15 18:36, Hermann Meyer wrote:
> Am 20.12.2015 um 10:18 schrieb Jeremy Jongepier:
>> On 12/20/2015 09:49 AM, Bent Bisballe Nyeng wrote:
>>> >I am about to do a mix of a bass recording which we previously have
>>> done
>>> >using a big muff pi bass pedal.
>>> >This time around is has been done direct in so the input is a clean
>>> bass
>>> >signal.
>>> >I am not in a position where I can do a re-amping session so I am in
>>> >search of a pure plugin solution that can get me as close to the big
>>> >muff sound as possible.
>>> >
>>> >The Big Muff Pi Bass in action:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >I am thinking that perhaps one of the guitarix lv2's can be of
>>> assistance?
>>> >
>>> >I not at all experienced in mixing guitars/basses so any information
>>> >that can help me find a usable plugin will be greatly appreciated.
>> Guitarix has quite some Fuzzes now, also a Big Muff styled one.

Hi Hermann

Thank you very much for your input.

> Yep, but in guitarix it's the guitar version of the BigMuffPi, and it's
> break into two plugs, it's the Muff and then followed by the Sustainer.
> However, I doubt that those wouldn't suite you for a BASS, as the
> frequency response wouldn’t fit.

You are right about that. It sounds "thin" when applied to the bass signal.

> In guitarix, we've a BassFuzzPedal plugin, based on a EHX schematic,
> which will suite for a Bass, but this isn't available as LV2 plug for now.
> But there are the simulations of the EHX HogsFoot and The Mole, and from
> Devi Ever the Ruiner and the FatFurryFreak pedals as LV2 plugs.

The BassFuzzPedal sounds fantastic and using it as a jack client instead
of an lv2 plugin is not a problem so; We have a winner :-)

Kind regards
Bent Bisballe Nyeng
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Received on Mon Dec 21 12:15:01 2015

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