Am 11.02.2016 um 13:55 schrieb Gerald Mwangi:
> It would be nice to contact modart and invite them to a future LAC. Not
> to convince them to opensource pianoteq (although that would be cool of
> course) but hear why they chose to support linux.
My thoughts exactly. I would like to see some effort to involve authors
of commercial plugins and frameworks, who develop for Linux, with the
LAC. There are quite a few firms that come to mind: u-he, discodsp,
Tracktion, Bitwig, OverTone, Loomer, XT Software, Renoise, (TAL?) ...[]=lin32&pr[]=c&p1=&p2=&sh[]=s
> AFAIC they initially developed the algorithm on linux with the juice
> lib, but I may be wrong.
Speaking if JUCE, its creator Julian Storer, who works for Roli now,
does a lot of talks and there was a JUCE meetup at Ableton last year,
where he spoke.
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