Re: [LAU] AutoTuner / Vocoder / low latency

From: ORL <orl@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Mar 20 2016 - 22:24:30 EET

Le 19/03/2016 21:07, Hermann Meyer a écrit :
> Am 19.03.2016 um 19:05 schrieb ORL:
>> Hi!
>> I'm trying several things with pitch correction and shifting on
>> vocals these last days. It's for live purpose, and for rap music, so
>> I've to come to something with a rather small latency.
>> What I need is basically a pitch shift up to 1.2 and/or down to 0.8.
>> If possible, I'd like to get audible autotune correction as well. If
>> possible, also, I would like to be able to pitch farther from time to
>> time.
>> AM pitchshifter gives interesting things, but I lose a lot of
>> "sparse" in the vocals when pitching down, so I'm trying to find
>> something a bit different.
>> Autotalent gives good results in terms of sound, but the latency it
>> implies is simply out of question for live rap music.
>> VocProc doesn't work for my purposes.
>> zita-at1 is quite well, but I cannot shift from more than 2
>> semi-tones, which is not really enough.
>> Have you other ideas?
>> Maybe I will try to patch zita so that it might shift more than 2
>> semi-tones, but I'm not sure it will work correctly.
>> Thanks a lot
>> ORL
> Sounds like a job for the infamous LushLife:

Hi Hermann,
I've been looking for the video, it looks very interesting, but it
doesn't seem to pitch really much, and I'd like to be able to pitch 2
octaves wide (1 up, 1 down).
Thank you, by the way.

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Received on Mon Mar 21 00:15:03 2016

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