On Thu, 24 Mar 2016 10:29:51 -0700 (PDT), Len Ovens wrote:
>:) It depends on what your audio equipment after the 1010LT is
>looking for. Most anything with RCA inputs thinks that -10db actual
>level is it's version of 0db. Most profesional equipment (balanced
>inputs) thinks of +4db as it's 0db (often having headroom up to around
>+30db). So if you are going rca out to rca in, you should assume it is
>"looking for" -10db which means setting your DAC level to -14db.
No, it's less than -12.
-10dBV is < -7.8dBu
+4dBu is < +1.8dBV
4 + 7.8 = 11.8
10 + 1.8 = 11.8
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Received on Thu Mar 24 20:15:05 2016
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