Re: [LAU] Ardour: exporting woes

From: Fons Adriaensen <fons@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Mar 31 2016 - 00:18:48 EEST

On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 03:47:08PM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:

> Phew! I'm with you 100% Fons. Stay upwind, way upwind of code like this.

Normally I do. But this was 1) something I needed, and 2) a challenge.
> For starters, where the heck are the closing } for the two else clauses
> above?

They are there, somewhere....

Another example. This is what I wrote (a new function):

/* Delete a direct dependency of client B on client A.
static void
rem_depends (jack_client_internal_t *A, jack_client_internal_t *B)
        jack_feedcounts_t *X, *Y;

        for (X = 0, Y = A->feedlist; Y; X = Y, Y = Y->next)
                if (Y->client == B)
                        if (X) X->next = Y->next;
                        else A->feedlist = Y->next;
                        free (Y);

And this is what was committed:

/* Delete a direct dependency of client B on client A.
static void
rem_depends (jack_client_internal_t *A, jack_client_internal_t *B)
        jack_feedcounts_t *X, *Y;

        for (X = 0, Y = A->feedlist; Y; X = Y, Y = Y->next) {
                if (Y->client == B) {
                        if (X) {
                                X->next = Y->next;
                        } else { A->feedlist = Y->next; }
                        free (Y);


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