On Fri, 27 May 2016 18:53:46 +0200, Luka Prinčič / Nova deViator wrote:
>i guess i need first to compile a decent proper RT kernel. will my
>NVidia drivers work with that?
if you're using a vanilla kernel, with boot option threadirqs
proprietary drivers could be used. If you build a rt patched kernel,
then regarding https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nvidia-rt/, there
nowadays seems to be no need to patch and pray anymore.
However, you should compare the free and the proprietary driver, since
they could affect the real-time quality, IOW one driver could be better
than the other. Regarding 3D abilities the nouveau not necessarily is
less good.
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Received on Sat May 28 00:15:01 2016
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