On Sun, 5 Jun 2016 04:17:19 -0400, jonetsu@email-addr-hidden wrote:
>On Sun, 5 Jun 2016 09:19:26 +0200 Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>> As Robin already pointed out, does a computer enjoy listening to
>> music? If not, why does it compose music?
>Iconoclast Kaiji Haino once said that sound needs air. That it is not
>possible to embody sounds, music, if there is no air. Considering
>this, then how would music composed with no air, composed by an entity
>that cannot listen to it through air, fare ?
Actually the machine could listen by microphone, OTOH the computer
even could consider gravity waves or light as being sound. By nature
the computer isn't limited to ears. A computer even could hear by
seeing and a computer doesn't need to perform a mating dance. We can
not hear with our eyes. Human synaesthesia is not the same. A computer
has got not the limits a human has got, OTOH even deaf people make
music, they e.g. feel vibrations, there's a famous deaf female
percussionist, I'm not thinking about composers who lost hearing.
The biggest difference between machines, even "intelligent" machines of
the future and a living musician is, life and the sense of music. No
sex, no music.
Likely somebody will now mention an asexual composer of "process
music" and maybe the composer in addition suffers from a personality
order or brain damage, so that the composer has got absolutely no
emotions. In addition this composer is the only person with a kind of
synaesthesia, that makes the composer really hear light. This composer
grows up in a small jail, with less stimuli.
This composer might exist, but IIUC this is not what Google tries to
develop with Magenta. Such a composer unlikely is heard by many people,
even "process music" from composers who are well known for their
emotional conventional music, isn't that much heard by a larger
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Received on Sun Jun 5 12:15:04 2016
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