[LAU] Debut album by Telephone Sound released

From: Jeremy Carter <defcronyke@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Jun 11 2016 - 04:32:26 EEST

Hi everyone,

I am new to this list, but have been using Ardour for years. I also
contributed the original code for the Automation All feature for
effects plugins in Ardour. The code was promptly rewritten by the lead
developer though :P

I would like to introduce the debut album Ellipsis by Telephone Sound,
which was composed, recorded, and produced entirely with Ardour and
other open-source tools (ZynAddSubFx, Hydrogen, etc.):

It is electronic-y, so check it out if you like that kind of stuff.

You can listen to (and download) one of the tracks on SoundCloud:

That track is released under the cc-by-sa license.

You can also listen to previews of the other tracks and buy the album
on Google Play Music:

I am subscribed to the mailing list now, so let me know what you think
of it. Now it's time to start work on the next album!

~Jeremy Carter
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sat Jun 11 08:15:02 2016

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