On 12/06/16 22:58, Ffanci Silvain wrote:
> menno, Jun 12 2016:
>> Hi,is there a program that allows shifting through midi output
>> channels using a LFO or sequencer?
> Hey hey,
> you can try Csound, it has both midiout
> http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/midiout.html
> and JackoMidiOut
> http://csound.github.io/docs/manual/JackoMidiOut.html
> these can send MIDI data at Csound control rate. That means you can
> change the MIDI data and basic type of data and the channel in realtime.
> This allows you to send notes, controllers of all kinds, aftertouch and
> pitchbend. There is a full example - ready to run - for the midiout opcode.
Also have a look at Pure Data:
It would help if you explained a bit more in detail your use case though ;)
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