Am Freitag, den 24.06.2016, 12:17 +0200 schrieb Ffanci Silvain:
> Michael Jarosch, Jun 24 2016:
> > Hi there!
> >
> > I want to display the frequency response (amplitude, impedance and
> > maybe phase) of my self-build speakers on my homepage.
> Just a starting point, Michael, and I'm not sure how much help it
> will be. There is Aliki, which can record frequency responses and, of
> course, there are other graphical analyser tools, whose screen you
> might capture. Then there is DRC, digital room correction. Maybe DRC
> has everything in it, that you need. Just thinking aloud...
Thanks for your response!
As long as I know, the tools you mentioned are not made for my purposes
as the room is explicitly included in the measurement, because in the
end speaker AND room is what to be linearized, frequency wise. I need
something different: The speaker itself, in the best case without the
influence of a room surrounded.
Once I used DLSA, a measurement system that could be plugged to the
printing port of (old) windows-PC. There you could configure a time
window to eliminate early reflections of the room. But now, I don't use
windows - and if I did, my laptop doesn't have any printing port. :)
There is JAPA, JAAA and of course "Room EQ Wizard" REW. But I guess,
they can not export any data to create a diagram that fits my needs.
Would be more or less a screenshot solution and I don't know if I could
be happy with that.
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