On Saturday 25 June 2016, Gerhard Zintel wrote:
> On Sat 25 June 2016, Ben Rouits wrote:
> >> I want to display the frequency response (amplitude, impedance
> >> and maybe phase) of my self-build speakers on my homepage. I
> >> like the
> >
> > I am using qloud to do that. it compiles over Qt4, Qwt and jackd.
> > sources are available at http://gaydenko.com/qloud/
> Hi Ben,
> thanks for the hint. I just tried to compile qloud myself and
> failed with message:
> ----------- snip ------------------
> ExcitForm.cpp:98:20: error: ‘class QwtCounter’ has no member
> named ‘setSingleStep’
> this->fMinCnt->setSingleStep(1);
> ^
> ExcitForm.cpp:119:20: error: ‘class QwtCounter’ has no member
> named ‘setSingleStep’
> this->fMaxCnt->setSingleStep(1);
> ----------- snip ------------------
I solved the above mentioned problem: My latest Mint installation does
not have libqwt6-qt4-dev package available thus I had to compile and
install qwt by myself. Unfortunately the install routine does not
install qwt properly but might be due to my lack of understanding.
I was able to compiled qloud properly but launching it, it bombs out
"symbol lookup error: bin/qloud: undefined symbol:
Now I'm lost :-(
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Received on Sat Jun 25 20:15:01 2016
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