Re: [LAU] speaker frequency response measurement and display

From: Benoît Rouits <brouits@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Jun 27 2016 - 15:20:02 EEST

Le 26/06/2016 17:48, Gerhard Zintel a écrit :
> Nonetheless I have not found a way to export the measured and
> post-processed data though.

Yep, qloud has just an integrated viewer (using qwt),
but not even printing support. I just need it to print the response
curve. So what i do is a screenshot then print the image.
But if you need post-processing, maybe you can look at the generated
files ? they might be parseable i guess. Or you can contact the author
for feature request ?

Best regards,
- Benoît
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Jun 27 16:15:03 2016

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