Re: [LAU] How to compile Yoshimi

From: Chris Caudle <chris@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Sep 16 2016 - 23:33:06 EEST

On Fri, September 16, 2016 3:01 pm, Chris Caudle wrote:
> Wasn't there a difference in real-time safe functions used by one or the
> other?

I think maybe this is what I was remembering:
Mark Curry:
> "To clarify one other point in this thread, zyn is not absolutely 100%
> realtime safe and stoat can certainly point out the few remaining issues
> (there is a single location for memory allocation/deallocation which
 needs to be corrected (NO LOCKS)).
> Compared to yoshimi however it is an absolutely night and day difference.
> Based upon checking yoshimi's git again it should be essentially equal
> to the realtime safety that zyn had back at its 2.4.4 release."

> "As part of trying to correct these long standing issues within
> ZynAddSubFX one of the tools that I wrote starting back in 2012 was
> stoat:"

The announcement for the 2.5.0 release of Zyn has links to two graphs
showing the number of function calls which are not, or potentially not,
real-time safe. The graph of 2.4.4 is so dense it is unreadable, the
equivalent graph for 2.5.0 is fairly small.

> "The 2.5.0 Release of ZynAddSubFX is now available.
> "This release is mainly focused on fixing some of the core architectural
> flaws that have historically existed.
> As a result this release should behave much better under jack
> and interfacing with the realtime side of things is *much* easier now.
> "Additionally the callgraph of the realtime safe hazards can be seen
> in two large images:
> "

Chris Caudle
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sat Sep 17 00:15:03 2016

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