On 23/09/2016 15:03, Daniel Swärd wrote:
> On Fri, 2016-09-23 at 09:28 +0200, Carlo Ascani wrote:
>> 2016-09-22 22:51 GMT+02:00 Daniel Swärd <excds@kth.se>:
>>> Hi.
>>> Can anyone recommend something to use for granular synthesis? If
>>> possible, maybe a VST which runs on Linux.
>> This could be an option:
>> http://www.lorenzosu.net/pd/granita/
> Interesting.
>> It seems there are ways to run PD patches as VSTs:
>> https://puredata.info/docs/HowToInstallPdVst/
>> Although I never tried
> Seems that it only runs on Windows. Anyway, I should be able to use pd
> and route it into Bitwig using jack and virtual midi devices.
Disclaimer: I made Granita :)
Indeed on Linux using jack is the best.
Although Granita was primarily intended to work on (existing) files, the
buffer (a.k.a. array in Pd) can be fed live through a kind of
'round-robin' looper (see the Vimeo video towards the end for an example).
If you like, let me/the mailing list know what your creative scenario is
and we might be able to suggest something more specific ;)
> Cheers.
> /Daniel
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