In Sep 29 A.D. 2016 Massimo Barbieri scripsit:
> Here you can listen the single and see the video (made with kdenlive):
Hey hey Massimo,
this is really up front. So very energetic! I do love your bass sound,
it works very well with the guitar.
I just think it's regrettable that the drum sounds are rather weak. Have
you considered things like the Salamander kit or samples from other free
kits, like those released with AV Linux? I think they I not readily
available for Hydrogen, but from my own experience porting things, it's
not hard, it just requires some time. On the other hand, your choice
sounded rather distinctive and I'm criticising something which you
particularly like. Sorry then, there's no accounting for personal
preferences. :)
Nice recording, powerful mix. Thanks for sharing.
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Received on Thu Sep 29 20:15:22 2016
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