Re: [LAU] The future of audio plugins ?

From: Emanuele Rusconi <emarsk@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Oct 22 2016 - 14:51:17 EEST

jonetsu, with all due respect, I think that you don't really know what
mixing is. You keep talking about that as if it's just an objective (as
opposed to subjective) kind of work, done AFTER what the tracks must sound
has already been defined. It's not.
Mixing is part of defining how the music will sound.
Opeth recently issued a remix of their Deliverance album: it has more
"growl" and less "bite", the palm muted guitars were more defined and more
cutting in the old mix, while the new mix has more weight in the low
Wich mix is the "correct" one? How can you answer this question? It's a
matter of taste. Mixing is full of subjective decisions.

-- Emanuele Rusconi

Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sat Oct 22 16:15:01 2016

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