Tanks for the advice and example. Unable to find the channels numbering,
I tried with the assumption that inputs are 0-15, playback 16-31 and
ouptuts 0-15, but it doesn't work (there are seemingly 16 channels of
each type).
Checking with the graphical HDSPmixer doesn't help as it loads it's own
setup when starting, so it does probably erase my "manual" setup...
Does anyone know the HDSPe AES channels numbering ?
Le 27/11/2016 à 13:00, linux-audio-user-request@email-addr-hidden a
écrit :
> Re: Channel routing with RME HDSPe AES without HDSPMixer
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Nov 28 16:15:01 2016
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