Adding to the subject :
I found on the web and in the source code of HDSPMixer 2 interesting
things, namely:
- despite the effective 3x16 channels, it seems the internal channels
might be 3x64, or at least 64 inputs, 64 outputs and ??? playback channels
- the source code shows a "playbacks_offset = 64" variable
I don't really see how to use these news as the code below doesn't work.
(reminder : the goal is to connect playback channels 1&2 to outputs 7&8)
function set_gain () { amixer -c hw:0 cset numid=1 $1,$2,$3 > /dev/null
2>&1 }
function reset_matrix () {
for out in $(seq 0 63); do
for inp in $(seq 0 63); do
set_gain $inp $out 0
done }
#following lines tried 2 by 2 :
set_gain 0 6 65535 #doesn't work (I tried 0 and 1 inputs as there is
sound there in graphical HDSPMixer vu-meter)
set_gain 1 7 65535 #doesn't work
set_gain 64 6 65535 #doesn't work (64 and 65 as 1st playback channels)
set_gain 65 7 65535 #doesn't work
set_gain 0 128 65535 #doesn't work
set_gain 1 129 65535 #doesn't work
set_gain 64 128 65535 #doesn't work
set_gain 65 129 65535 #doesn't work
exit 0
Any idea ?
Le 28/11/2016 à 13:00, linux-audio-user-request@email-addr-hidden a
écrit :
> Re: Channel routing with RME HDSPe AES without HDSPMixer
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Nov 29 00:15:01 2016
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