Best wishes to everyone !
The first track of the year is a long, 12-minutes trance-type travel
that could perhaps be best enjoyed as a background music while doing
something else. Basses should be plentiful on systems that can support
them, while some care was also taken to have them represented in a
higher audio range.
I 'discovered' this 'old' track recently. Its original name was
jam8 while the current jam number is at 85. I guess that qualifies as
'old'. I renamed it 'Jiji' for the playful sounds of the name as well
as for the meaning of the yi jing hexagram 既济 of, say, 'feeling good
having achieved coming to shore while knowing that there will be other
things to face on the land itself'. Or something like that. Which
can also represent in a way having finished a year and starting another
one. Jiji.
It's a strange track in the sense that it can be listened-to easily I
find. While not being muzak.
As always, comments are welcomed.
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Received on Mon Jan 2 00:15:02 2017
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