Well you really can't go wrong either way, JACK2 has kind of been the
primary offering by big-name distros more out of the blind assumption
that jack '2' was a successor rather than a parallel version with
multiple processor support. The only caution really is that JACK1
offers built-in bridging between ALSA and JACK MIDI and if you need
this with JACK2 you will need to additionally install 'a2jmidid'. Hold
on...the only other thing I can think of is that if you use BitWIg
(which if I'm not mistaken you do) it's packaging for Linux improperly
specifies JACK2 as a dependency even though it really works with both,
it just won't install if JACK2 isn't present on the system... come to
think of it then I guess you'll be wanting JACK2 then...
----- Original Message -----
From: "jonetsu" <jonetsu@email-addr-hidden>
To:"linux-audio-user" <linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden>
Sent:Sat, 15 Apr 2017 20:01:58 -0400
Subject:[LAU] Which jackd to install on a new system ?
Finally installed a new system, Linux Mint 18, based on Ubuntu. I am
not sure therefore I ask, it seems there are two parallel versions of
jack being developed or in the least,m there are two of them out
which could, or could not be candidate for installation, possibly
as jackd and jackd2. If there's only one, then all right. In any
which jackd should be installed on a 2017 brand new 64-bit system ?
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