I tried really hard to figure this out on my own... I have a patchbay
profile that is supposed to connect PulseAudio JACK Sink-01 to ecasound.
But, it doesn't do it; when the computer boots, the connection I see in
Jack is PA Jack Sink to system. I always have to manually remove that
connection, and manually connect it to ecasound (so my ecasound crossover
network works with mpv media player or whatever uses PA).
The patchbay profile does work to connect Pianoteq to ecasound; just not
Pulse Audio Sink to ecasound. Any ideas? I have gotten a little familiar
with the scripts used, like pacmd and pajackconnect. I tried to customize
pajackconnect, adding a new start_ecasound function that made this
connection, but so far have not gotten that to work...
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Received on Mon Apr 24 20:15:01 2017
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