Re: [LAU] [Music] A Little Ride

From: jonetsu <jonetsu@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue May 09 2017 - 01:13:14 EEST

On Mon, 8 May 2017 00:46:30 +0200 (CEST)
"Jeanette C." <julien@email-addr-hidden> wrote:

> May 7 2017, jonetsu has written:
> ...
> > There's also a Zebra2 update that's coming by.
> ...
> But that will mostly be a UI update in preparation for Zebra-3.

Yes, mostly cosmetic. There's a wave folder effect that will be added
and that seems about it.

> I'm sure you and a few others will show us what we can expect of
> Zebra-3 and Repro-5. :)

Zebra3 seems to be still in the distance. I look forward for Repro-5
though. u-he had a drum modelling project going on last year, showing
some sounds at the Superbooth 2016 but it looks like there won't be
anything available for a while as there's still some research to be
done. I find Pianoteq piano modelling simply awesome, I can imagine
what drums/percussions could sound like using a modelling approach.

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Received on Tue May 9 04:15:02 2017

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