Re: [LAU] how can I send a midi command from bash through jack to my HW controller?

From: Christopher Arndt <chris@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Oct 08 2017 - 14:39:01 EEST

Am 08.10.2017 um 01:50 schrieb Jeanette C.:
> If Python or other scripting languages are an option, there are some
> packages for these languages which support ALSASEQ I/O. If midish looks
> promising, but too much work for a start, I could help.

For example, here's how you would use my python-rtmidi package [1] to
send a control change message for controlelr #1 (modulation) with value
127 to the first JACK MIDI port that contains the string "BCR 2000" in
its name:

import rtmidi
from rtmidi.midiutil import open_midioutput
from rtmidi.midiconstants import CONTROL_CHANGE, MODULATION_WHEEL

midiout, portname = open_midioutput(
        port='BCR 2000',
        client_name="My test client")
midiout.send_message([CONTROL_CHANGE, MODULATION_WHEEL, 127])

If you want to use ALSA, just drop the 'api' keyword parameter to the
'open_midioutput' function.


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Received on Sun Oct 8 16:15:02 2017

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