Hey hey Robert,
nice to see you back on the music circuit.
Dec 29 2017, Robert Jonsson has written:
> https://soundcloud.com/cdee/robert-joo-pussel
This is my favourite, of the three pieces. They are all just likable and
immediately into the brain. But I do love your vocals on that, especially the almost broken sound in the first verse. The bass sounds so very vintage.
> https://soundcloud.com/cdee/robert-joo-the-heist
Again, the bass is the instrument that sticks with me. You really have a
feeling on how to play, process and mix it. It's amazing to me, the way
that you change the sounds and esthetics from one song to another, while
still retaining something that links all three pieces. Is that a sort of
vocoder in the preverse part? If not then it is terribly well timed with
your voice.
> https://soundcloud.com/cdee/robert-joo-pinned
BEsides mixing your bass well, you haven't lost your hand for accents
and keeping the listener on edge. :) Helena has a lovely voice to.
All pieces sound transparent and well made. The overall mix reminds me a
bit of production sounds from a couple of years ago. I have listened to
them on my big speakers. They sound good there, though I have the
impression that they might even sound better - in comparison to other
material - on small headphones or earbuds. They all exude energy and
freshness to me, which is exactly what I need these days. :) And having
gone back to listen to a couple of your earlier material, I can hear a
consistent route from them to this. This shines particularly through
when listening to "The Wunderbaum". So, in addition to giving me three
fresh faced friends for a dark and cold day, you introduced me anew to
some old acquaintances, for which I should thank you again. :)
Best wishes,
* website: http://juliencoder.de - for summer is a state of sound
* SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/jeanette_c
I'm so curious, what do you think of me <3
(Britney Spears)
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