[LAU] Example setup for zita-njbridge in multicast mode?

From: Jonathan E. Brickman <jeb@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Jan 09 2018 - 14:58:15 EET

Do you have a working zita-njbridge
<http://kokkinizita.linuxaudio.org/linuxaudio/> triplet of command lines
(one n2j, two j2n) proven to run in multicast mode, which you might share?

I'd like to study a working example, to compare to my special case,
where I'm running them all in one machine, with three separate JACK
servers, only the first one being connected to real hardware.

I have zita-njbridge working just fine in one-to-one mode, but if I try
the following triplet (SOFT1 and SOFT2 are additional JACK servers):

|zita-n2j 55555 enp0s25 zita-j2n --jserv SOFT1
55555 enp0s25 ita-j2n --jserv SOFT2 55555 enp0s25 |

the NIC item is not reported as extra, but the second j2n is still
blocked, it's still running in one-to-one mode; this is proven because
if the first one is killed, the second one automatically connects. The
same occurs if I run each in its own firejail
<https://firejail.wordpress.com/>, all of them being given their own IPs
connected to the same dummy NIC.

/Jonathan E. Brickmanjeb@email-addr-hidden 
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Received on Tue Jan 9 16:15:01 2018

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